Thursday, November 13, 2014

Take This Life

As I try out websites and discussion forums, I'm also compiling a review of that site for organization, functioning, and other considerations.  Some are just so bad, they are best to avoid altogether.  The first site I've come across that warrants a bad review is Take This Life.

Poorly organized and moderated.  It took me all of one hour to get banned.  My unforgivable infraction?  I posted a link from my forum and facebook page.  Are you serious??  Yes, I now have a personal beef with this site.  The ban notice said 'advertising.' 

Bans for advertising are not supposed to hot-button all links.  Sorry, but that's to understand the letter of the law without understanding the spirit of the law.  Bans for advertising are to prevent links to porn sites, hate sites, and commercial sites.  If you're not selling anything or trying to get visitors to a sex bot site, then you're not spamming the forum.

And having a problem with another depression forum--especially a new one that doesn't even have posters yet--is gulagy.  It's cabal-istic.  Who wants to deal with someone's mania when they themselves are in pain and looking for help and support?  Nobody.  In my wildest dreams, I never expected such a response.  Creepy.  That's just fucking creepy. 

Apparently, whoever runs that forum is trying to do it on auto-pilot, and doesn't care at all about the posters on their site suffering from depression and other mental illnesses. 

What is also a huge turn-off on forums is unnecessary restrictions on how you set up your profile, prohibitive restrictions on profile pictures--as in ridiculously small size restrictions, and PM and posting restrictions that amount to having to jump through hoops before you can fully utilize the forum. 

On all counts, TTL gets an F.  There are a ton of depression forums on the internet, so it's not even close to being necessary to register with that one.  In lay terms, they suck.  Hard. 

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